
Working with Python's Abstract Syntax Trees

Published Aug 16, 2021

Python is a dynamic language with a large and varied standard library. You can even use Python to manipulate Python programs as data! That’s called metaprogramming, and it’s what we’re going to do using Python’s ast module. By the end of this post, we’ll have implemented constant folding for Python. Constant folding, stated simply, is the evaluation of constant expressions by a compiler or interpreter before your program actually runs. (I think CPython already does some constant folding, but that won’t stop us.)

The code in this tutorial can be found here.

By the way, I’ll be assuming you know some Python, but the concepts here should apply elsewhere. I’ll also assume you’re using CPython 3.7. If you don’t know what Python implementation you’re using, you’re probably using CPython.

AST? What’s that?

AST is short for abstract syntax tree. It is a type of tree that stores the structure of a program, ignoring details like commas and grouping parentheses.

Wait! What's a tree? A tree is a recursive data structure that is used to express hierarchical or nested information. For example, you could use a tree to represent your family tree, a decision tree, regions in your country at various levels from city to country, or an organizational chart. A tree is composed of nodes, which are cells that can hold data. The nodes are connected by edges which indicate parent-child relationships. Here are some resources about trees:

Here’s an example of an AST:

A Module node that contains a single Expr node. The Expr node contains a Call
node. The function being called is named 'print,' the single argument is the Str
node with the text 'hello world,' and the Call node has no keyword

This AST can be textually represented as Module(body=[Expr(value=Call(func=Name(id='print', ctx=Load()), args=[Str(s='hello world')], keywords=[]))]). It represents the following Python code:

print('hello world')

Let’s go through the structure of this AST. The Module within the AST represents the entire module (which is most often a file). It contains an expression statement (Expr) which contains a function call (Call). The function being called is Named print. The function is given only the string represented by the Str node as an argument.

How the Python ast module works

Python’s built-in ast module allows us to parse Python code at runtime and get back ASTs. It also provides functions to help us process these ASTs.

Let’s get an AST for the code print('hello world').

import ast

syntax_tree = ast.parse("print('hello world')")

By default, ast.parse parses code as if it’s in its own module. The function can parse in other modes, but we won’t cover those here.

We can get a view of what’s in the AST by calling ast.dump on it:


This will print:

Module(body=[Expr(value=Call(func=Name(id='print', ctx=Load()), args=[Str(s='hello world')], keywords=[]))])

This is the same AST we saw earlier.

Now, let’s try executing the code represented by this AST. Python makes this easy for us; we can first compile the AST into a bytecode object using compile, and then execute that object using exec.

exec(compile(syntax_tree, '<string>', 'exec'))

After running exec, “hello world” should be printed out.

Example: constant folding

We’re going to figure out how to do some basic constant expression evaluation. We’ll handle the following cases:

  • Adding numeric and string literals (for example, 2 + 2 and 'hello ' + 'dave')
  • Multiplying numeric literals and list/tuple/strings containing only literals (for example, 2.0 * 3.0, 'abc' * 8, and [1, 3, 5] * 0)

There are many cases we could handle, but we have to start somewhere. I suggest you create a new file for the program we’re about to write.

To achieve our goal, we need to recursively run a constant folding algorithm through the nodes of the AST. In other words, we need to traverse the AST. We can use the ast.NodeTransformer class to change an AST in place while traversing it recursively from the top down. To use NodeTransformer, we’ll subclass it.

class ConstantFolder(ast.NodeTransformer):

Next, we’ll override methods like visit_Str so that we can perform different actions depending on the type of node we encounter. For example, the visit_Str method is called when the node transformer sees a Str node. The transformer uses the return value of each visit_* method to replace the nodes in the AST, modifying the structure in place.

Let’s write our transformer code organized to the kinds of expressions we want to evaluate.

Adding numeric and string literals

The type of AST node that represents addition is BinOp where the node’s op field is an Add instance. Thus, we’ll override visit_BinOp and check that the operation is addition.

Since constant folding is recursive, we should first call visit on the left and right fields of the current node. (This implies a depth-first traversal of the AST.)

    def visit_BinOp(self, node):
        left = self.visit(node.left)
        right = self.visit(node.right)
        # addition case
        if isinstance(node.op, ast.Add):

If both left and right are instances of ast.Num, we return a new ast.Num node that contains the sum of the two numbers.

            if isinstance(left, ast.Num) and isinstance(right, ast.Num):
                return ast.Num(left.n + right.n)

If both left and right are instances of ast.Str, we return a new ast.Str node that contains the concatenation of the two strings.

            if isinstance(left, ast.Str) and isinstance(right, ast.Str):
                return ast.Str(left.s + right.s)

Otherwise, we should return another BinOp node with an Add as the operator.

            return ast.BinOp(left, ast.Add(), right)

Multiplying numeric literals and list/tuple/strings containing only literals

The type of AST node that represents multiplication is BinOp where the node’s op field is an Mult instance. So let’s add another case to our if statement to handle multiplication.

        elif isinstance(node.op, ast.Mult):

First, let’s give a name to the AST node types that describe lists and tuples. We can call them sequence_node_types. This value will come in handy later.

            sequence_node_types = (ast.List, ast.Tuple)

Now, we’ll handle multiplying numeric literals. This is very similar to what we did for adding numbers.

            if isinstance(left, ast.Num) and isinstance(right, ast.Num):
                return ast.Num(left.n * right.n)

Next, we’ll handle multiplying a string by a number. We will check that the number is a non-negative integer. We also need to allow the string and integer to appear in any order.

            elif isinstance(left, ast.Num) and isinstance(right, ast.Str) and isinstance(left.n, int) and left.n >= 0:
                return ast.Str(left.n * right.s)
            elif isinstance(left, ast.Str) and isinstance(right, ast.Num) and isinstance(right.n, int) and right.n >= 0:
                return ast.Str(left.s * right.n)

The third kind of multiplication we want to handle involves lists and tuples. We can start by checking that one of the operands is a list or tuple display, that the list or tuple contains only literals, and that the other operand is a positive integer literal. To check that a list or tuple node contains only literal nodes, we use a contains_only_literals function that we define later.

            elif isinstance(left, ast.Num) and isinstance(right, sequence_node_types) and contains_only_literals(right) and isinstance(left.n, int) and left.n >= 0:
                return type(right)(left.n * right.elts, ast.Load())
            elif isinstance(left, sequence_node_types) and contains_only_literals(left) and isinstance(right, ast.Num) and isinstance(right.n, int) and right.n >= 0:
                return type(left)(left.elts * right.n, ast.Load())

In other cases, we can return a BinOp node that represents the multiplication of left and right.

                return ast.BinOp(left, ast.Mult, right)

Handling other BinOp nodes

To account for other BinOp nodes that didn’t fit into any of the cases above, we have an else block that returns a BinOp node with the same operation type as the original node and left and right as operands.

            return ast.BinOp(left, node.op, right)

Loose end: the contains_only_literals function

Earlier, we used a helper function called contains_only_literals to tell if a List or Tuple node contained only AST nodes for literals in its elements. Now, we define it.

def contains_only_literals(sequence_ast):

We retrieve the elements of the sequence_ast node through its elts attribute.

    elements = sequence_ast.elts

And, let’s say that a ‘literal’ is either a Num, Str, or Bytes.

    literal_types = (ast.Num, ast.Str, ast.Bytes)

Finally, we check if each node in elements is an instance of one of the literal_types, and return True if that’s the case.

    return all(isinstance(element, literal_types) for element in elements)

Trying our ConstantFolder

Let’s try to constant-fold the expression 'success' * (1 + 1 + (1 * 2) + 1). We can do this by first parsing this expression to get an AST.

syntax_tree = ast.parse("'success' * (1 + 1 + (1 * 2) + 1)")

Next, we can use the visit method (which is inherited from ast.NodeVisitor) of our ConstantFolder class to get the folded AST. Note that a NodeTransformer (the class ConstantFolder inherits from) modifies the AST it’s given, meaning we don’t need the return value of ConstantFolder().visit. However, the Python docs claim that using the return value is the usual way of using NodeTransformers.

syntax_tree = ConstantFolder().visit(syntax_tree)

Now, we can dump the value of syntax_tree and see that the constant expression has been evaluated!

print('after folding:')

The output should look like this:


Here’s a graphical depiction of this AST:

A Module with a body containing only a single Expression node, which contains
the String node with the value "success" repeated five


We’ve successfully used Python abstract syntax trees to implement constant folding! We went over concepts like what abstract syntax trees are, how to traverse and modify them, and some of the node types in Python ASTs.

Try yourself

I encourage going deeper into this topic. Here are some things you can try:

  • Constant-folding the subtraction and division of numeric literals (for example, 6 - 6, 1 - 2j, and 0.0 - -1)
  • Generating interesting visualizations of Python code from ASTs
  • Parse Python code to compute statistics about the code
    • Cyclomatic complexity and number of lines per function, for example
  • Write a simple type checker for Python, or explore other properties of programs you can compute