
Getting Started with Web Testing Using Selenium

Published Oct 22, 2019

Have you ever wondered how to test a website? I know I had for a long time. I knew how to write tests for individual functions, but not for a whole user interface. Fortunately, I learned that Selenium would fit my testing needs.

If you want to learn how to use Selenium to test your website, read on. We’re going to write our tests in Python 3 (3.7 should work) and run them under Google Chrome in this tutorial, but Selenium works with many browsers and programming languages.

Visit the example code repository to see completed code from this tutorial.

What is Selenium?

Selenium is a web automation tool. You can use Selenium to programmatically interact with an Internet browser. That means that you can write code using Selenium WebDriver or record browser interactions with Selenium IDE and use the resulting program to control a browser without human intervention.

I won’t go into possible uses for Selenium in this post. If you’re interested in that, you can visit the Selenium homepage or a previous post of mine.

Downloading a web driver

For Selenium to be useful, we’ll need a web driver. Selenium uses this program to interface with a web browser and to control it. For our purposes, we’ll download the Google Chrome web driver from the ChromeDriver download page into the se-get-started directory. Make sure you name it chromedriver!

Creating a web page to test

We’re going to use Selenium to test a web page, so let’s create a simple example page. Type the following into a new file called index.html and save it in the se-get-started folder.

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en" dir="ltr">
    <meta charset="utf-8">
    <title>Example page</title>
    Test that this text is here!

Writing a test (in Python)

To prepare our Python environment for writing tests, we first need to install the Selenium package for Python. We can do that by running

> pip install selenium

on the command line.

Time to write your first test! Create a new file in our se-get-started folder; let’s call it test.py. We’re going to write a Python script that tests whether our intended text appears on our web page.

In our test script, we’ll first import a few things from the Selenium package.

import selenium.webdriver as webdriver
import selenium.webdriver.support.ui as ui
import selenium.webdriver.support.expected_conditions as expects
from selenium.webdriver.common.by import By

Next, we’ll give our script access to the Chrome web driver so that we can interact with the browser.

driver = webdriver.Chrome('./chromedriver')

Before we can test our page, we must load it in the browser. We’ll start a web server on localhost later, so we’ll load http://localhost:8000.


Waiting for page loads

Since we don’t know when the page will complete loading, we’ll have to make our script wait. Specifically, we’ll wait for the text in the body of our page to be visible. To do this, we’ll create a function called wait_for_element_has_text that takes the tag name of an element, a web driver object, and the text we want to wait for.

def wait_for_element_has_text(element, driver, text):

In this function, we’ll create an object that represents the maximum amount of time we’re willing to wait. This is called a timeout. We’ll choose 10 seconds for our timeout.

    wait = ui.WebDriverWait(driver, 10)

Next, we need a way to tell Selenium how to find an element. We do this by creating a tuple which says we should use CSS selectors to find the element (By.CSS_SELECTOR) and contains the selector we want to use (element).

    selector = (By.CSS_SELECTOR, element)

Now, we need an object that represents what we are waiting for and expecting to happen inside the web browser–that there should be visible text in our chosen element. We can do that using expects.text_to_be_present_in_element.

    expectation = expects.text_to_be_present_in_element(selector, text)

Finally, we’ll tell Selenium to wait for our expectation to be fulfilled, or for the 10-second timeout to expire (whichever comes first).


The test itself

After writing that function, we can use it to wait for the correct text to appear in the body of our page.

text = 'Test that this text is here!'
wait_for_element_has_text('body', driver, text)

Lastly, we’ll assert that the text we expect in the body element is there, then close the browser window.

body = driver.find_element_by_tag_name('body')
assert body.text == text


Now that we’ve written our test, we can try running it.

Running the test

First, we’ll start a server to access our web page. In the command line (still in the se-get-started directory), run:

> python -m http.server

This command will start a web server at localhost:8000. You can try navigating to that address in your web browser, if you please.

Now for the climax: we’ll run our test script! Since the webserver is running, you might have to open a new command line window to run the following command within the se-get-started folder:

> python test.py

If you didn’t get any errors, then our test passed! As an exercise, try editing index.html to make the test fail.

Next steps

I encourage you to try writing more tests for our little web page, like testing that the title is correct. Also, read the official documentation on Selenium WebDriver. Finally, try using an automated testing tool like Selenium to test your own websites or web apps. The best way to learn is by doing!